The database of the DATAMAN project contains emissions and emission factor data (for CH4, N2O and NH3) and all relevant ancillary data from across the whole manure management chain for cattle and pigs from a narrow selection of countries. The MELS project will broaden the geographical coverage of DATAMAN by collating additional data.

The DATAMAN database will be expanded to include additional data from countries not funded by the DATAMAN project and to include content for the additional soil parameters for soil C modelling and for nitrate leaching. Datasets will be collated from a) existing databases (e.g. ELFE), b) project participants, c) associated Global Research Alliance partners and d) peer-reviewed and relevant grey literature. This expanded database will continue to be aligned to the ERAGAS- funded project CEDERS, which is investigating the impact of animal feeding on GHG emissions. Data from empirical investigations of mitigation strategies for CH4, N2O and NH3 will also be collated.

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