
Center Auvergne Rhône Alpes

Postal Address

UMR Herbivores (UMRH), INRAe, VetAgro-Sup, UMRH, F- 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France

Short Description

INRAe is a French public research institute dedicated to agricultural science. It was founded in 1946 and is a Public Scientific and Technical Research Establishment under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and Agriculture. INRAe leads projects of targeted research for a sustainable agriculture, a safeguarded environment and a healthy and high-quality food. Based on the number of publications in agricultural sciences/crops and animal sciences, INRAe is the first institute for agricultural research in Europe, and the second in the world. It belongs to the top 1% most cited research institutes. INRAe participates in MELS with 2 research centers and 3 research groups.

Involvement in MELS

INRAe (IN1 and IN2) will provide access to data from long-term studies and available databases as well as to data regarding C sequestration and CH4, N2O and NH3 emissions, including mitigation and abatement strategies (WP2). INRAe (IN2) leads WP3 and will provide access to data and contribute to the component modelling, testing of grazing strategies and testing of legume fractions. INRAe will contribute to assessing the potential for improving emission estimates in farm-scale GHG DSSs (WP4). INRAe will deal with the work regarding French national emission inventory and projections (WP5) as well as the policy support, the dissemination and the stakeholder consultation in France (WP6).

People Involved

Dr. Maguy Eugene


Dr. Katja Klumpp
